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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Importance Of Values Essay Example for Free

Importance Of Values Essay Importance of Values 1. Values are guides for our behaviour. 2. It is signi? cant to our life and the society in general. 3. It gives direc? on to our lives. Its value are clear and consistent. 4. Values tell us the importance of people. What things are desirable and sa? sfying. 5. Values are principle by which individuals are guided on their proper behaviour in a society. 6. Values have something to do with the total forma? on of a person. 7. Value mean whatever is actually prized, esteemed, desired, approved, or enjoyed by anyone at a ? me. 8. Values allow the members of an organiza? on to interact harmoniously. Values a(ect their forma? on and development as individuals, and make it easier to reach goals that would be impossible to achieve individually. 9. Values is being itself or the richness of being in as much as it has power to a+ract the cogni? ve and appe ve poten? als of men. 10. Values refer to the major priori? es that one chooses to act on. 11. Values are seen as growing from a person’s experiences. It is, therefore, expected that di(erent experiences would give rise to di(erent values. Process of Valuing Louis Raths, et al. de? ned value or the process of valuing as having seven aspects and made it clear that unless all the seven are present, then what person has chosen is not a value. Values possess criteria which can be divided into three categories: CHOOSING, PRIZING, and ACTING. Hence: C – Choosing 1. To choose freely 2. To choose from alterna? ves 3. To choose alterna? ves a=er considering the consequences of such alterna? ves. P – Prizing 4. To cherish and be happy with the choice 5. To be willing to a? rm the choice publicly A – Ac? ng 6. To actually do something about the choice 7. To act repeatedly to a? rm the choice publicly. In the area of choice, the value must be chosen freely and he person is totally accountable for the choice he made. The choice must consider the consequences of the alterna? ve evident. Essen? al to the valuing process is that the choice must be acted upon and should become part of the life of the person. Finally, the person must be happy with the choice, a choice that enhances the emo? onal and spiritual development of that individual. Values, therefore, are major priori? es that a person choses to act on, that crea? vely enhances his life and the lives of those with whom he associates. Our live are mo? vated and guided by values. In the words of hall, all of life is worth living when we have sincerely commited ourselves top the realiza? on of our goals. Fr. Jaime Bulatao, a Filipino psychologist in his ar? cle â€Å" The Manilenos Mainspring,† gave four large areas of values from the total ? eld of values: 1. Emo? onal closeness and security in a family. In any society, the home always provides love, understanding, acceptance, a place where, no ma+er how far or how wrongly one has wandered he can always return. The Filipinos are noted for manifes? ng close ? es in the family. As many Filipinos would say, â€Å"There is no place like home. † 2. The authority value. This may be de? ned as â€Å"approval by the authority ? gure and by society. † A part of the Filipino tradi? on is that children may marry only with the consent of parents; even when they elope, the parents are s? ll expected to work for reconcilia? on. Authority ? gures must be respected and obeyed within the limits. Authority ? gures are feared and served with awe, but some? mes are not really loved. One looks at authority ? gures for help in obtaining a job and other bene? ts. 3. Economic and social be? erment. This value o=en refers to a desire to raise the standard of living of one’s family, or of one’s hometown. O=en it is repayment of one’s debt of gra? tude to parents and rela? ves. 4. Pa? ence, su? ering, and endurance. This value has been fused with the religious value since it seems that God is called upon when other means fail. It is associated with women more than with men.

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